Thursday, May 24, 2007
Pokey Little Puppies
The X-Ray
We aren’t totally clear on what the Baka do for a broken bone. They say that they find a certain “medicine” from the forest that they rub on the area and it hardens and helps the bone to heal. Our Bantu neighbor explained to us what they do for a broken leg. They wrap it up in a splint, making it immobile. Then they break the leg of one of their chickens and when their chicken starts walking on that leg again, they say that their leg is healed as well and they can start walking on it.
Cast Signing
Monday, May 21, 2007
Back to Bakaland
to see Boaz' cast. He was a little shy and preferred to stay inside most of
the weekend.
Saturday we had a cast signing party. We explained the tradition, and said
they could sign their names if they knew how, or they could just draw
something if they wanted to. It was really cute to see some of the little
kids scribbling a little. One of the teen-agers wrote in English: I love
you. We were impressed. There was a Baka man, named Naya, who's about 45
years old who wanted to make his mark too. So, he wrote "AYA" then got
upset, and crossed it out, and tried again, this time successfully with
"NAYA" (all caps). Can you imagine a life where you seldom write your own
name...and really have to concentrate to do it?
Life is getting back to normal. People are coming to the door asking for
money and work; the rain storms are pounding on our roof; we killed a
Boomsling (though it may have been a Green Mamba) snake right outside our
house; the mangoes are falling off the trees...