Thursday, July 19, 2007

...And she meant it as a compliment

"You're SO fat, like this" (hands spread wide apart), "And YOU are too!!!"

This was said to me and Nathan tonight when we went to visit the Cameroonian family in Yaounde that we spent time with when we were first here, almost 2 years ago.

My answer, "Yes, we are very comfortable here now."
Her response, "YES! You are adapting well, you are so big."

We'd probably knock someone out if they said this to us in the States. But here, even if you haven't gained any weight, people like to compliment you on how fat you look. To them, this means that you've been well fed and happy, as opposed to skinny, starving and unhappy.

This sure takes some getting used to from our self-conscience selves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, in the States, we'd have said, "yeah, YOUR Momma looks FAT!"