Sunday, December 2, 2007

To get your car washed...any puddle will do!

Hey Dad are some new ideas for the carwash. Have you ever thought about opening up the stream behind the buildings? That's where the real money's at!!!
And now you need something for all the grease-monster trucks:


Laurel Conrod said...

PS - Don't tell the EPA!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to show these pics to Chase... who knows what'd end up in our pond. Sweet idea for the CW stream in Parkesburg.

Anonymous said...

This looks all toooooo familiar. The drains clog, the water backs up , and folks keep using the bays. Pops

Laurel Conrod said...

At least they don't do this on Sunday in their driveways...that would just be WRONG!!!

Laurel Conrod said...

At least they don't do this on Sunday in their driveways...that would just be WRONG!!!