Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tonight, Nandry was in her first school performance. The second grade dressed up like they were 50 years older and sang a few songs for the parents. Nandry liked her "old lady" outfit we got at the thrift store, and Grandma accessorized with a brooch, belt, heels and matching purse! Only things missing are the granny glasses and some bright red "is-it-on-straight?" lipstick.

Nandry was whooping it up at the after program party, gettin' down Granny style.

And here, Nandry is getting driven home after one to many cups of Koolaid. Glad she's not behind the wheel!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I could have supplied the Lipstick too!! :-)

VA Mom

anthonyandbeth said...

i love the last photo! she is hilarious! a great sense of humor, i can tell! :)

Anonymous said...

i love these pics!!! I bet she had a blast! She and Michaela need to start up a duo act.