Thursday, January 15, 2009

Our New Prayer Card Is Here!

Nathan picked up our new prayer card from the printer today! Doesn't it look incredible? Thanks to Karyn Fuchs for doing such an awesome job designing it and Ken Staab (Safe Harbor Press) for printing it for us! We've been blessed to have so many folks to help us out and support us in various ways, including getting our prayer card done.

We plan to link it to our website soon so that you can download it, and we'll mail it out at the end of the month (when we're back from a mission conference in Florida)!

If you would like to request an autographed copy, just email us at....just kidding! :)


Anonymous said...

Looks very, very good.


Thanks for the shout-out. :) I'm glad you like it. Ken's a great guy - glad he could help you out!

Katy said...

Bring autographed copies for our whole small group! They look GREAT!