Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Greatest Show on Earth!

Last Saturday was the first time Nandry, Boaz, Asher and I ever went to the circus (Nathan went too, but he's been to the circus before). It was incredible!

We got there early so that we could walk around and see the animals and the pre-show. We stayed at the tiger cage for about 15 was amazing to be so close to animals that could do you so much harm. One of the tigers roared and jumped at another tiger and my heart just stopped as a wave of fear overtook me. When we were looking at the elephants getting ready for the show, one worker was strapping on the elephant's harness and was practically underneath the elephant making sure it was on correctly. You couldn't pay me enough to do that and be under an animal so huge it could trample me.

This performer was being held in the elephant's mouth!!

The performers who did their routines with the ribbons dangling from the ceiling were a big hit. What incredible skills. It's amazing that some of these folks are 4th generation circus performers. What an interesting life, growing up in the circus!

I love getting pictures at just the right moment! That was a pretty small ring, up pretty high in the air for him to jump through!

We had such a great time and we'll go again next time we are in the States if we get a chance to!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter with the Conrods

We spent last weekend and part of the week in a huge cabin in Pigeon Forge, TN with the Conrods. There were 9 adults and 10 kids, plus we got to visit with Nathan's Grandfather and his Uncle's family who live in the area. Easter Morning, the kids came in single file to find their baskets all in a row. You can tell in the picture that Boaz was disappointed looking at a blue horsey and a baby doll, until he realized that wasn't his basket!

We got everyone dressed up, Nandry and KK had matching dresses, matching shoes, and matching dresses on their dolls. It was pretty sweet and they looked like they could be twins. We got a few pictures with Grandma and Grandpa then headed off to the little church down the road.

The 19 of us descended upon this tiny Missionary Baptist church and we almost doubled their attendance. We weren't sure what to expect, and were wondering what we had gotten ourselves 'bout that sign above the pulpit (KJV only)? The church was happy to have us and they got Leigh (Nathan's brother-in-law) up front to sing. He has such an amazing voice...and was singing w/o accompaniment.

Mom got in on the action too and was our pianist for the day. It was neat to be able to be a blessing to this church and the kids did super well during the LONG service where the pastor preached and YELLED his message. It was definitely unforgettable, though next time I think we'll go for something a little more contemporary and a little less...quaint.

We spent the rest of the day with Nathan's Uncle's family (6 more adults and 2 little kids) having a blast hiding and hunting eggs, stuffing ourselves with Aunt Vicky's good food and just being together.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thanks for your prayers!

Today, Nandry had a procedure at CHKD with the ear/nose/throat doctor. She had fluid built up behind her ear drum for over 5 months and we noticed at the beginning of January that she was saying, "what?" more and not hearing us as well. Today they drained the fluid and put tubes in her ears while she was under general anesthesia. When she got home she was a bit groggy and having trouble walking straight. I asked her (in a normal voice) if her ears hurt, and she said, "yeah, but only because you are talking so loud!" We are glad that things went well and happy to have her hearing at 100%...though we'll have to teach her brothers to be a little bit quieter when they are talking to her.

Monday, April 6, 2009

M for Mama!

Yesterday in the car, Asher was trying to write a note to me saying "I love you, Mama". When he got to the word "Mama", he sounded it out and asked what an "m" looked like. I told him that it's like two mountains or two humps. He was still trying to figure it out when Boaz jumped in with, "You know, like McDonalds". Of course, Asher had no trouble after that!