Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter with the Conrods

We spent last weekend and part of the week in a huge cabin in Pigeon Forge, TN with the Conrods. There were 9 adults and 10 kids, plus we got to visit with Nathan's Grandfather and his Uncle's family who live in the area. Easter Morning, the kids came in single file to find their baskets all in a row. You can tell in the picture that Boaz was disappointed looking at a blue horsey and a baby doll, until he realized that wasn't his basket!

We got everyone dressed up, Nandry and KK had matching dresses, matching shoes, and matching dresses on their dolls. It was pretty sweet and they looked like they could be twins. We got a few pictures with Grandma and Grandpa then headed off to the little church down the road.

The 19 of us descended upon this tiny Missionary Baptist church and we almost doubled their attendance. We weren't sure what to expect, and were wondering what we had gotten ourselves 'bout that sign above the pulpit (KJV only)? The church was happy to have us and they got Leigh (Nathan's brother-in-law) up front to sing. He has such an amazing voice...and was singing w/o accompaniment.

Mom got in on the action too and was our pianist for the day. It was neat to be able to be a blessing to this church and the kids did super well during the LONG service where the pastor preached and YELLED his message. It was definitely unforgettable, though next time I think we'll go for something a little more contemporary and a little less...quaint.

We spent the rest of the day with Nathan's Uncle's family (6 more adults and 2 little kids) having a blast hiding and hunting eggs, stuffing ourselves with Aunt Vicky's good food and just being together.


Nathan said...

Nice post Laurel! Thanks for keeping up with our blog. You do a great job!

Katy said...

Talk about a GREAT family time! I loved the girls in their matching dresses, and the picture of the grandparents with all those beautiful grandkids! I'm sure they LOVED it! Hilarious church story - i think it's great to see all different kinds of churches and expose your kids to that. I LOVED the sign! I bet they probably had a heart attack to see you taking a PICTURE in a church!! Totally hilarious.