Thursday, November 12, 2009


Boaz is not only a chick magnet...but a critter magnet as well. For the past couple of days, he's been carrying around this rhino beetle on a leash so it won't fly away. Well, tonight he left it in the veranda and the dog kind of chomped on it. But, though he's sad about the big bug...he still has his pet chameleon and is actively looking for crickets to feed it.


Jodie said...

You are such an amazing Mom. I'd draw the line w/rhino beetles.

Saw your FB post....I hope u r feeling better real soon!

Anonymous said...

From Va Mom and Dad: Happy Thanksgiving. HUGs to Mommy and Daddy, and Nandry, and HUGs and BUGs to Boaz and Asher.

Katy said...

EWW - that would totally put me over the edge!