Friday, June 1, 2007

Marital Disputes in the jungle

Late Sunday night, as we were putting the kids to bed, we heard different
sounds than usual coming from outside. It's normal to hear the Baka singing
and laughing, and the soft chatter from the folks sitting around the fire.
We asked the kids to be quiet for a few minutes, so we could listen. It was
coming towards us, from up the road. It sounded like the wailing/mourning
sounds of a drunk person. And indeed it was...and they had alot to wail
Sinyon and his wife Mali were coming our way. Mali, who is rather tiny and
only comes up to my armpit, was yelling at Sinyon, and he was the one
wailing. They had both been drinking.
A few minutes earlier at their house, Sinyon had said or done something to
infuriate Mali and she came after him with a machete. Sinyon put up his arm
to block his face and the sharp part of the machete hit him on the wrist.
Nathan, the "designated EMT" of our team, did the best he could to wrap
Sinyon's wrist and stop the bleeding. It was dark, there was no where we
could take him or nothing else we could do medically for him until morning.
We sent him off with a bottle of re-hydration drink to sip during the night
and told him to hide the machete from his wife.
The next morning we took Sinyon to the Catholic clinic that is in a little
town called Dimako, 15 minutes away by car. The nurses there looked at the
wound, thought it was beyond their expertise, and told us that we needed to
take him to the hospital (another 45 minutes away...and not always staffed
or well-equipped enough to be called a hospital, in our opinion). One of
the nurses had pity on Nathan, knowing how many times we've had to take
people to the hospital for emergencies, and she said, "let me see what I can
do". She proceeded to sew together a cut vein and then the wound itself.
She had to wrap his wrist with a splint to immobilize it, because the
machete had sliced through his bone.
Back home, we chatted with Mali. We said that it was not good that people
drank and chased each other with machetes. She just shrugged.


Anonymous said...

Wow! And I thought life got interesting here in our mobile home park. This is so crazy!


Anonymous said...

OH that is just terrible...I hope he gets better soon and his wife sticks to maybe just yelling not cutting!

Orchid said...

Aiyah! Very scary... there has got to be a better way to resolve marital disputes than slicing each other with Machetes!