Friday, June 15, 2007

The Monkey's still hanging on

We've had this baby monkey now for 2 1/2 weeks, and he's thriving. He drinks milk from a bottle and has started taking little bites of banana with his teeny tiny teeth. We think he's going to grow up thinking that Asher is really his big brother. Asher loves to walk around with the monkey clinging to his arm or leg...sometimes on his head like in this picture. Any suggestions for a name? So far our only ideas from the kids (besides all of the "potty" words that they think would be so funny to name a monkey) are"Peter" and "Monkmonk".


Anonymous said...

Well 'monkey' in Norweigen is 'apen'! Ricky wants to know if its a boy or girl but some of his suggestions are 'nicky','edward','jake','david' and 'garret'. I will have to ask Kayleigh and Leigh what they think. Leigh named his fish 'allowischis'(not sure on the spelling). You could always call it 'clinger' since it seems to be clinging to Asher all the time!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what to name a monkey. What's wrong with potty names? I almost used one of those names for Amanda. Haven't you considered them, too? What? You didn't? Hmmmm.... well...come to think of it...neither did I.

What about naming after the noise it makes?? I sorta like monkmonk, really. David said he'd name it "crazy." Amanda said she'd name it "princess." Michaela says, "crazy" because they always act crazy. Funny thing...she wasn't in the room when David responded! That's eerie!

Well...good luck naming Mr. Bojangles! Have fun!