??? - Tomorrow, the 9th of February, is the last day that I, Laurel Beth Crane Conrod, am going to be in my 20's. And, this 9th of February, 2008, my last day before turning 30 (on the 10th of Feb of course) I'm going to attempt something that I've never done before in my life...can you guess what it is? (You can be funny if you want...but please don't be too mean...I am turning thirty and that is kind of weird for me in itself...does it make you feel weird too, Mom?) Oh, and if you talked to Nathan on the phone today and he mentioned what it was...please don't guess!
I'll try to post a picture of it on the 10th or 11th.
I'll try to post a picture of it on the 10th or 11th.
Here's me when I was wasn't turning 30...maybe Kindergarten or 1rst grade.
Oooh-oh-oh...I know...before you turn 30, you are going to visit a tribal group in Africa...is that it? :) Or maybe you are going to eat Viper? Or get a pet monkey? ...or, or, or...
Ok, those are just examples and I've already done them!!! Really, the true thing I'm going to do isn't as strange as those.
I've been 30 for a week now, and I'm already a crotchity old lady!
Love ya, girl.
I have no clue. bungee jump? If you're weirded out abt 30, don't feel to badly. I turned 31 this past October.
Happy 30th to our "baby"
Let's see..... You killed a snake, ate something disgusting, drove a motorcycle, built a hut, climbed a tree, plucked a chicken, ran 2 miles, made a mud birthday cake.... OK we give up!
Awww...I gotta string it out a little longer to see if there are any more guesses (No bungee jumping for me...but one of gpop & gmom's guesses is close!)
Please say it isn't to EAT a mud birthday cake! :)
Ummm lets see...took a wild motorcycle ride and got your nose pierced to match the natives??? :)
Happy Birthday...we never could get thru today. All the lines were busy so hopefully you got allot of calls. I will try to get thru tomorrow. Love you old lady!
I have no idea, but I'm excited to hear what it is... I have already ventured into my 3rd decade of life myself and I feel your pain. ha I have high hopes this will be the best decade yet with Anna around now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Hmm... sniff a jar that smells like strawberries. No, I guess that's been done already. Um, my guess is killing a chicken with an axe. Second guess is that you are sleeping in while the kids do all the cooking and housework (aw, maybe by the time your 40? -- we're keeping that dream alive here!).
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