Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We Miss You So Much!!

Dear Daddy

Ze qre so sqd zithough you::: which means on the English keyboard: we are so sad without you!

Come home soon...don't drive through anymore teargas! We love you lots and lots! Be safe!


Ward Blog said...

we are praying for his safety as well as ya'lls...keep us update on what is going on in your part of the world!!!!

Jenn said...

Hey Boaz, you make a pretty convincing sad face:(

anthonyandbeth said...

we're praying for nathan to make it home safely and soon! we appreciated his update! it helps us know how to better pray for you guys! you and the kids looks adorable! i'm sure he's missing you too and if he's seen this he's REALLY missing you! ;)

Anonymous said...

Is that Asher's 'sad face' in the pouting pic? If so, I love his optimism!

We continue to pray for your safety.

Anonymous said...

We love you guys and we're praying for your safety.

Me said...

Hey, I just read he made it home safely. Praise God! I also just read about your 5K Laurel. I know the feeling of pride that goes with that. I ran my one and only (so far) 5K about a year after our oldest was born and it was exhilarating. I've just started running again now that all kids are done nursing and you've inspired me to keep going! You go girl!!