Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Angu came to our door telling me something that he wanted. I asked him to repeat it about 5 times before I even could hear what he was saying, which was "jandamo". I was racking my brain trying to figure out what jandamo was. He couldn't find a better way to say it, he was being clear, and I, the dumb foreigner was the one with the communication problem. Finally it dawned on me that he wasn't using a Baka word, he was using the french word "gendarmes" which means policemen. I giggled, got out the bucket of toys and Angu was so content to line up all the cowboys and Indians -- a.k.a. gendarmes or jandamo!


Anonymous said...

At least you finally figured it out. It's nice that the kids have so many playmates around. Mine lack them.

Jenn said...

Ha, good detective work. I'll add that word to my vocabulary for future reference. I am sure it will come in handy!! Cute pic of Angu. He's gotten a lot bigger:)