Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tumbo Fly

This is the grossest thing ever! We thought that it was an infected sore, until there was a small but perfectly round opening that kept getting a little bigger. Then I noticed that there was definitely something coming to the surface, then disappearing back down the hole.
I held Boaz still while Nathan did a firm but quick squeeze and the maggot popped out. Nasty, nasty, nasty! The tumbo fly lays its eggs on wet clothing and then the egg/larva burrows into your skin and grows into this flesh eating maggot. We have to make sure our clothes are completely dry before we take them off of the line because the eggs can't survive on dry cloth. Some people iron everything before they wear it. I am wondering if Boaz got one from getting his clothes wet in the rain or while playing in water with his shirt on. Now that it's rainy season, one of the kids favorite activities is playing in the rain. I'll have to keep track of the moisture level of their clothes from now on!


becky said...

YUCK. Poor Boaz, and poor mama. I can't imagine having to squeeze a maggot out of my little one. I suppose living in the arctic tundra has its benefits!

Anonymous said...

Oh Laurel! Ewww! I am glad you caught it and got rid of it!

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember Curt used to call us Maggots after "Hammer" said that on that silly TV show? Made me chuckle when your story sparked that memory. Did Boaz think it was cool or was he upset? Or indiferent?

Laurel Conrod said...

Maggot!! Yeah, I remember Hammer. Boaz did not think it was cool at all. It hurt when we would touch it (which is why I thought it was an infected sore) and he screamed for awhile when Nathan squeezed it out. YUCK!

Cindy said...

Eeeuwwwww. Poor Boaz and mommy! Hopefully that was a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Jenn said...

Sorry about your Tumbu larva Boaz. But just think of the story you can tell everyone. I had one of those once, and we just learned about it in the MMI class. I hope you don't mind if I show everyone the pictures:)

Agape Post said...

Boaz, I'll say one thing for you buddy - if there's bug around you're gonna catch him. What a guy! Try to steer clear of those guys, buddy. Your pal, Pastor Mike from Vermont

Anonymous said...

Bo dear, I know you LOVE all creatures great and small but you don't have to offer bed and breakfast!!!!
Love you, VA Grandma

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't stop squeezing after one larva. Whilst working in Nigeria(Warri) in the 70's, my neighbour squeezed 27 out of one swelling on his arm.