Thursday, September 11, 2008

Asher, ready for take-off

We are officially renaming Asher, "Tigger". Nathan and I've realized that Asher never walks anymore. He always leaps, bounds, hops and boings wherever he is going. We've noticed also how many picture we have of him without both feet on the ground. In these two shots, he's airborne. Sometimes, I'll have to get a picture of this, he even flaps his arms like he's going to take off and fly away!


Anonymous said...

As long as he leaps, bounds, hops and boings into my arms for a hug it's GREAT!!!

VA Grandmama

Anonymous said...

Cute pics. I love how Nan is totally ignoring her bouncy brother! Gotta love those big sisters!! :) Michaela would have told him, "you're so embarrassing!" Fun stuff!