Monday, September 15, 2008

More Amusement Parks

This was our last big adventure before school started. Boaz in the front with Abby, Asher not keeping his head inside the car while it's moving with Emma, and Jacob, Nandry and Katherine in the red ladybug car. I think Nandry's a bit too old for this, though she did enjoy making sure 2 year old Katherine was ok.

Boaz is the responsible driver, keeping his eyes on where he's going. Our kids are really enjoying their cousins on both sides of the family. We are so thankful that our kids have these instant friends (cousins) who we'll be able to keep in touch with even though we are gone for years at a time...because it's kind of required somewhere that you visit your family more than once on your furlough, right (Christmas and Easter - kind of like church)? And besides, it's SO MUCH fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

underage drivers are a growing problem!!! ;-)