The scab next to his mouth is from when Asher bumped the burning stick that Boaz was blowing on, right into his face. The kids are LOVING fire. They start at least one a day under the cooking shelter and now that we got them to stop throwing leaves on their fire, they are roasting their own plantains for a yummy snack.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
First Missing Tooth!
The scab next to his mouth is from when Asher bumped the burning stick that Boaz was blowing on, right into his face. The kids are LOVING fire. They start at least one a day under the cooking shelter and now that we got them to stop throwing leaves on their fire, they are roasting their own plantains for a yummy snack.
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it's not every blog that the mom can write "the kids are loving fire"!!!
He's very cute, even with the scab. I know some kids that would love making fire with him.
Hey, when you're back (seems like a long time off...) we need to go to Cherry Crest again. Chase and Boaz can walk around the perimeter of the "Jumping Pillow" and collect the loose change that comes out of people's pockets. I took the kids a few weeks ago and while the girls jumped, Chase walked around and collected about ten coins (and I thought of Boaz).
Yeah, the kids are all big enough now to know how to handle a fire and cook their own plantains. I think they've each had at least one minor burn on a finger (or face, yikes)and know to respect the fire for what it is...HOT. And Chad, I think Chase and Boaz are either going to be accountants or bank robbers...maybe we shouldn't let them put their head together on that one! Or pirates!
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