Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Where to start...

I need to blog about this first month we've been back in Cameroon, but where do I start? Wayward washing machines, tumbling towers, badly behaved batteries, merciless mold and mildew, might-have-been malaria, dreadful doggie pooh, relentless rainy season, lacking language skills, scary surgeries back home... (Karen, we are trying to beat Jenn for the Ashia award).
Thought this was cute. Nandry wanted to extend friendship to the girls of the neighborhood so she got our her coloring books and crayons, locked the rough little boys out of the veranda and had a good time. The baby in the green shirt is baby Nathan, the only boy allowed in because he was being watched by his older sister. He was terrified of us when we first got here but is slowly warming up to our presence.

1 comment:

Katy said...

oh man - sounds like it's been QUITE a full first month back...can't wait to hear more!