Monday, May 10, 2010

The Perils of the Post

We LOVE getting mail! And our family (and some churches) have been especially wonderful/generous lately to send us some big packages....though we know it probably costs more to ship it than the worth of what is actually in the package. Well, this last package from family in PA came with a fairly large hole in the side (see in the picture), where apparently a rat got in while it was sitting in the post office and had a feast. FYI, rats really like blueberry muffin mix as well as chocolate chip muffin mix. Fortunately, the dry roasted edemame was hardly touched and the gluten free bread mixes my mom sent were left alone (guess rats have a thing for gluten?). The kids got some activities books that went along with us on our trip and helped keep them busy in the car, and they also got a "bug vacuum" that we haven't yet tried. It's probably hard to tell in the picture below, but everything was covered in powdered batter mix...but it smelled really good. :)

I should add a PS, that even though there are many things not readily available to us like muffin mixes and often missionaries are known frugal/not picky/not throwing away what others consider trash...well we DIDN'T make and eat the muffins. I just draw the line at getting leftovers from rats, know what I mean?


Jodie said...

Sheesh! At least it wasn't ppl tearing into your package!

Laurel Conrod said...

I know!!! And that has happened before to friends of ours. But seriously, we often get packages with holes in'd think they'd get cats at the Post!

Anonymous said...

WOW! That is quite a sizable hole.
PA Mom