Saturday, May 29, 2010

School’s Not Quite Out Yet

We have 5 more curriculum weeks to go…but I’m trying to pack into the next 3 weeks. I think we can do it, but the kids are seriously suffering from school overload. We started the school year about a month late because of our visa delays last year, and having to wait longer than we expected to get back to Cameroon.

Nathan is finishing up Science and History with the kids (he’s been doing these subjects for at least half of the school year, lightening my load a good bit). When I passed by the kid’s room while Nathan was reading the history book, this is the sight I saw…too precious!

Here’s Nandry in the “classroom” corner of our bedroom. I have to do all three kids in turn, and then send them out to the kitchen table to finish their seat work on their own. Oh to have more space…but we make do just the same.

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